Study Skills

Tools for presentations

Study Skills

Tools for presentations

Study Skills

Tools for presentations

A man is giving a lesson in a well lit room with many students looking at him.


Presentations are a common form of assessment, and are almost universally dreaded by students. However, help is out there in the form of some handy tech tools to help practice, stay on time and remember what to say.


Presentations are a common form of assessment, and are almost universally dreaded by students. However, help is out there in the form of some handy tech tools to help practice, stay on time and remember what to say.

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Tools you may already have

Presenter Coach is a feature within the online version of Microsoft PowerPoint which evaluates your pacing and use of filler words, and detects when you are simply reading the text on a slide. After each rehearsal, you access a report that includes statistics and suggestions for improvements.

Our favourite free tools

Presentation Timer (Android) and SpeakerClock (IOS) are apps that provide an easy to see countdown timer to help time presentations, with colours (Presentation Timer) or a traffic light (SpeakerClock) to indicate how much time you have left.

Paid-for tools

Present Pal is a presentation support application which acts as a set of interactive flashcards on your smartphone or tablet, giving easy to access prompts during a presentation, backed by more detailed notes if needed.

The app gives what is needed to help stay on track without overloading the presenter with a full script, and can integrate with Microsoft PowerPoint to give control over the slides too.

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Tools you may already have

Presenter Coach is a feature within the online version of Microsoft PowerPoint which evaluates your pacing and use of filler words, and detects when you are simply reading the text on a slide. After each rehearsal, you access a report that includes statistics and suggestions for improvements.

Our favourite free tools

Presentation Timer (Android) and SpeakerClock (IOS) are apps that provide an easy to see countdown timer to help time presentations, with colours (Presentation Timer) or a traffic light (SpeakerClock) to indicate how much time you have left.

Paid-for tools

Present Pal is a presentation support application which acts as a set of interactive flashcards on your smartphone or tablet, giving easy to access prompts during a presentation, backed by more detailed notes if needed.

The app gives what is needed to help stay on track without overloading the presenter with a full script, and can integrate with Microsoft PowerPoint to give control over the slides too.

Written by Tim Jones

Written by Tim Jones



Presentations are a common form of assessment, and are almost universally dreaded by students. However, help is out there in the form of some handy tech tools to help practice, stay on time and remember what to say.

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Presentations are a common form of assessment, and are almost universally dreaded by students. However, help is out there in the form of some handy tech tools to help practice, stay on time and remember what to say.

Tools you may already have

Presenter Coach is a feature within the online version of Microsoft PowerPoint which evaluates your pacing and use of filler words, and detects when you are simply reading the text on a slide. After each rehearsal, you access a report that includes statistics and suggestions for improvements.

Our favourite free tools

Presentation Timer (Android) and SpeakerClock (IOS) are apps that provide an easy to see countdown timer to help time presentations, with colours (Presentation Timer) or a traffic light (SpeakerClock) to indicate how much time you have left.

Paid-for tools

Present Pal is a presentation support application which acts as a set of interactive flashcards on your smartphone or tablet, giving easy to access prompts during a presentation, backed by more detailed notes if needed.

The app gives what is needed to help stay on track without overloading the presenter with a full script, and can integrate with Microsoft PowerPoint to give control over the slides too.

Written by Tim Jones

Prior to co-founding Booost Education, Tim previously worked with neurodivergent and disabled students at various universities and trained as an assistive technology consultant with AbilityNet.

Written by Tim Jones

Prior to co-founding Booost Education, Tim previously worked with neurodivergent and disabled students at various universities and trained as an assistive technology consultant with AbilityNet.